Rólam mondják

  • Lerner Réka, tanuló

    Én azért választottalak edzőmnek,mert inspirál a személyiséged és az életmódod.Te ...


  • Olasz Zsóka, könyvelő

    A kezdetek kezdetétől járok Enikőhöz, immár harmadik éve. A benne lévő hatalmas energia ...


  • Tóth Zoltán, ToZó, testépítő világbajnok, nemzetközi bíró

    Enikőt nagyon agilis, törekvő és energikus személyiségnek ismertem meg, kedvessége mellett igen keménykezü ...


  • Babus-Kisbalázs Dóra, gyógytornász

  • Harsányi Szilvia, tanárnő

    Igazán felemelő érzés egy olyan csapatban edzeni, ahol garantáltan azonos dolog mozgatja az embereket; ...


  • Gábor Tamási, közgazdász, faipari mérnök

    Változatos edzések, a határokat feszegetve, egy állandóan mosolygós csapattal. Kiszakadsz ...


  • Preisler Zsolt, rendszergazda- szerviztechnikus

    Sok-sok év kihagyás után, bő egy éve kezdtem el újra sportolni. Célom ...


  • Több mint 20 éves harcművészeti múlttal a hátam mögött és mint StrongFirst Girya ...


  • Jakab Norbert, váltókezelő

    Én egy éve, kíváncsiságból kerültem Enikőhöz edzeni,ugyanis annyi sok jót ...


  • Siraki Dóra

    Két és féléve kezdtem el az edzést Enikőnél. Kezdetben borzasztó nehéz volt ...


  • Zsíros István, nehézgépkezelő

    Számomra fontos, hogy az edző hiteles legyen, a megjelenésén lássam azt a munkát, amit velem ...


  • Nagy Tamás, Fleet Co-Ordinator, sportedző

    Miért Enikő? 3 okból.

    1. Mert ő egy valódi egyéniséggel rendelkező nő (ami manapság ...


  • Bánkuti Gabriella, fitnesz világbajnok

    Enikő, abszolút pozitív kisugárzású, kiváló kommunikációjú, megfelelő ...


  • Kékesi Tifani, tanuló

    Az edzések jó hangulatban, a legújabb zenékkel és egy remek edzővel telnek, aki biztat, megdicsér ...


  • Miklós Ádám, tanuló

    Én még újonc vagyok, de úgy érzem, hogy már egy csapatba tartozom. Enikő edzésein ...


  • Gál Évi, kereskedelmi képviselő, sportedző, spinning és jóga oktató

    Enikővel első alkalommal 2013-ban, Budapesten a Fittarénán találkoztam, ahol ő is edzést tartott: igazán ...


  • Kakuk László Krapu

    Szerintem csak elég a képeit nézni, máris rájön az ember ki is ez a csaj?! Mivel is foglalkozik? ...


  • Harazin Regina, tanuló

    Képzelj el egy 14 éves lányt: önbizalom hiányos, utál sportolni, mindemellett túlsúlyos. ...


  • Szalainé Forgács Klaudia

    Hogy ki is Szeles Enikő? Az edzőm... az egyetlen....

    Egy EMBER, aki keményen, elszántan halad a maga útján,felveszi ...


Regisztráció az eddzENIway Klubba

Kérjük, ezt a mezőt is legyen szíves kitölteni!
Kérjük, ezt a mezőt is legyen szíves kitölteni!
Kérjük, ezt a mezőt is legyen szíves kitölteni!
Kérjük, ezt a mezőt is legyen szíves kitölteni!
SVT (1), Sztorik (13), TAF (4), Taf (1), akadályfutás (1), diéta (1), eddzENIway diéta challange (1), gflex (2), ha összefogunk (2), jegyzet (74), laskafesztivál (1), legion run (1), motiváció (1), notes (4), rendszeres testmozgás (1), spartan (1), srtg (2), sztorik (3), tábor (17), videó (5), ztorik (1), Úti (11), úti (4),

With a chuckle...

2017/09/06 Címkék: notes.

There are certain emotions that can be hard to deal with... let’s take jealousy for instance... and there are certain people who – filled with miserable hostility, acting innocently as previously arranged – are rather ridiculous than maddening...

I know that I’m not loved by everyone... THANK GOD! I don’t need toady love: if someone cannot motivate and support me, they better step out of my way, or I’ll run them over... I don’t like superficiality... if somebody doesn’t like me, just don’t come near me, that’s all. I know, it’s not common to state this because the majority wants to be loved... sycophantic thoughts, game-changing words, fawning conversations... that’s what the world needs...

Well, well... I’d like to give a standing ovation with a chuckle to those who are fit to be tied, who are working against me, who are looking forward to my failure, who are secretly gloating over my mistakes... standing ovation... for THOSE who will NEVER EVER get close to this damn stage, where I am right now... because they are lazy, sycophantic assholes.

Oh, and who do I think I am? Type my name into Google... I’m not used to visualizing or chasing dreams. Instead I WORK, I COUNTINUOUSLY LEARN AND GROW, AND I MAKE SACRIFICES!

People, facts, emotions...

2017/09/06 Címkék: notes.

In the past four years, I’ve hosted five training camps...The first two took place at one of the Lakes of Délegyháza with 40-50 people, the third and most popular at the Lake Velence with 80-90 people, one in Greece with 50 people, the latest had 47 people and we’re currently preparing for the sixth camp, which takes place in Croatia, and besides that I’m organizing the seventh, which is going to be held in a wellness hotel at Lake Balaton.

Once - with the particpation of adults - we’ve had simple and plain accomodation, once – almost only with the participation of families – we’ve been to a hotel. We’ve been there in 40°C heat, with no shade. We’ve trained on the beach by the ocean on a rainy day. We’ve been cold in wooden houses. We’ve begged for air-conditioning, or prayed for wind... every single Campeniway had it’s own beauty, it’s own atmosphere, and everyone swears by the one they took part in...

Throughout my carreer I’ve worked with hundreds of people: they’ve been to my events, circuit trainings, camps, performances, sports days... We’ve been through a lot together: tiny and sometimes huge confrontations – thanks to all those ill-willed people out there -, nights spent with laughing or sometimes crying, filled with insecurity, a ton of misunderstandings, big reconciliations, even rapprochements. We’re all connected, mostly by the blissful moments and memories we share.

We’re all human beings, we get upset, we take offence, we move on, we admit if we fail or if we’re wrong... but there’s something common between us, something that brought us together and built up a big community. This is me – besides our passion towards sport –, no matter how immodest this might sound... Even if there are people whose memory is quite selective, the facts and the numbers speak for themselves and there are indisputable achievements, that are impossible to doubt...

I remember when someone once told me back in 2014: „there will be a time, when you’ll regret all the work, all the steps and all the decisions that you’ve made that brought you to this point, all the time taken away from you and your family... you’ll see, people are ungrateful!”

Well, these are powerful words... and all of those slaps in the face, disappointment and dummy incomprehension to my actions really made my heart turn ice cold... but there are a few who can melt it. For instance the obese and anxious teeanger who – under my influence - turned into a cheerful young adult right in front of my eyes. Or the hard-working mother with more than one child, who completely transforms into an energetic, beautiful, independent and strong woman and says: „you should be a widely prescribed sedative to all who suffers from depression!”...

But of course, there is the other side of the coin... I cannot put on a mask and cheer with others when one of my guests tells me „I cannot come for a little while, I have cancer...” or the suffering mother bearing and rearing her disabled child tells me right before the workout – while having a lump in her throat – that she might need to send her child into a children’s home because she cannot do that anymore...

But of course it’s not a decent thing to talk about this „human” side of the coin... only posting pics about abs, having fun, not giving a f*ck about anything... well, this is not me... I’ve seen too many tough lives and circumstances that are all having an affect on my reality, since I think about them and feel them... these emotions cannot be locked in the gym... these are all with me, deep down in my soul, affecting and moulding me... and I feel that if one cannot cry with the other deeply, they cannot laugh with them heartily...

Healthy soul in a healthy body

2016/02/02 Címkék: notes.

A healthy soul in a healthy body… A healthy body we’ll only have if we realise that humans weren’t made for sitting in front of a computer for 8-10 hours a day, spending hours in a car to get from A to B, or sitting in front of the TV at home watching brainwashing shows, while unconciously taking in twice or three times the amount of food we actually need. I know that it’s easier, much more easier to say „well I’m working and I’m with my kids – what is this supposed to mean? – I don’t have time to do workout… and anyway I’m nothing like X or Y who only have to care about themselves”… hmmm… and that’s where things start to stink… Pointing the finger at each other…

A majority of people don’t realise that working out is no luxury, taking part in a workout is not selfishness or the feeling of „being in easy street, they don’t know what to do with themselves”, it is an actual part of life! Your legs exist for you to use, to run, to skip, your hands are for you to hold and lift things, your spine to keep you straight, and your mind to realise all of these!

Be a role model to your kids: „you see son, working out is GREAT, even though mom and dad get tired, but see how much happier I am to play Angry Birds or draw princesses with you?” And it’s true… You don’t have to be mean, point the finger at others, saying that she has a cushy time, and doesn’t even care about her kids… doesn’t she? YOU SURELY KNOW! You live with them after all…

[kép] (2nd birthday of the club, zumba for kids)

I’m saying don’t be a man of no pretension… don’t you care enough for your body and health to desire to do something for it? Preventive healthcare starts with using your body for what it was made for, not slacking, getting lazy all while becoming a target for numerous health issues. We have to work on our bodies to be strong and resistant, if it is, we can even get through a more severe disease. Every child needs a mentally and physically strong parent as a role model… we owe THEM this much!


2015/12/30 Címkék: notes.

Thank you for respecting that I have a family and kids, and that for me they’re the first!

Thank you for understanding that even though this club is my passion, it’s also a job to be done for me…

Thank you for not expecting me to be available 24/7 on- and offline!

Thank your for understanding that just because we love each other we’re not friends!

Thank you for understanding that life over that small gate is my private life!

Thank you for leaving me alone if it’s needed, not wanting me to share everything with you and not wanting me to know about everything!

Thank you for being here, for standing up for me even if you don’t understand my reaction to things, if you feel like my scolding was unfair, or if I hurt you!

If you’re here and if you stay here that means you trust me… You understand that I’d only had a bad day, that I’ve had enough and I’ll be fine soon.

You accept that I am only human too, with lots of work, a big family, and problems just like YOU!

If you trust me, love me, you don’t pick on me, you aren’t invasive, just let me be… LET ME do my job! AND I THANK YOU FOR THAT!!!!!

Edzés: Szeles Enikő

3100 Salgótarján, Rákóczi út 78.

Telefon: +3620-280-7178

E-mail: szeles.eniko.eddzeniway@gmail.com